Inviting members to a workspace or project

There are multiple ways to invite members to your workspaces or projects.

There are two types of members in Framer:

  • Project members: They are only invited to specific projects within the workspace, and they won't be able to see the rest of the projects in the workspace.

  • Workspace members: They have access to all the projects within the workspace.

Members with view only rights are free. If they have edit rights of any kind (Content, Canvas, Publishing) they will be charged.

Recommend workspace to users with same domain

Auto Join is a convenient and secure method to add members to your team effortlessly. When auto join is enabled, your workspace will be recommended to individuals with the same email domain signing up for Framer. Please note that this does not apply to public domains like or

You can enable or disable Auto Join in your Team Settings under Permissions. Additionally, you can choose the default role (Editor or Viewer) for new workspace members.

Note: By default new team members are “Viewer” for self-serve workspaces and “Editor” for Enterprise workspaces.

Here are a few points to keep in mind about Auto Join:

  • If multiple teams use the same email domain for auto join, new members will be asked to select which teams they want to join.

  • If new members join as editors, they will be automatically included in your monthly bill, regardless of whether your other members are on a yearly billing cycle.

  • If you invite someone to a project and they have the same email domain with auto join enabled, they will automatically become a team member.

  • For Enterprise users, you can control this feature at an Organization level, applying it to all workspaces within the Organization.

You can also use the invite link found in Workspace Settings → Invite. Share this link with your team for them to easily join your Workspace, such as on company Slack. You can reset the link in Team Settings for security purposes. If the person you invite doesn't have a Framer account, they will need to sign up and land in your workspace dashboard.

If you wish to change the role of the invite via Link, you can do so in the Permissions Tab, under "Default Role for New Members".

Inviting workspace members via Email

You can use the email invite in the Team Settings to invite a team member via email. If they don’t have a Framer account yet (on that email address) they will have to sign up. Their entry point will be the team dashboard.

Inviting Project Members

You can invite project members directly from any project by opening the project member sheet by clicking the invite button:

Invite Project Member via Email

You can invite new project members by simply entering their email address. If they are not a team or project member yet you will get a confirmation dialog that makes sure you really want to add this person and asks permission to potentially increase your bill.

  • If you invite members via email on a project, you can select if they can join a viewer or editor. If you are on a Pro Workspace or Enterprise plan, you can select the Project Permissions that you want this person to have.

  • If they have the team email domain and auto join is enabled, they will automatically become team members instead of project members.

  • If they are existing team members (or new team members via auto join) they will get their team role in the project (editor or viewer).

  • Any editor with access to the project can invite new project members. Viewers cannot.

  • If they don’t have a Framer account they will be asked to sign up. Their entry point will be the project you invited them from.

  • If they end up accepting and becoming an active team or project member, they will be added to your monthly bill.

To invite project members as viewers, make sure the link sharing settings are set to “Anyone with the link can view” and simply share the project link with them.

  • If they don’t have a Framer account they will be asked to sign up. Their entry point will be the project you invited them from.

  • If you have a free Framer account the “Anyone with the link can view” setting is always enabled.

  • You can upgrade team viewers to editors by clicking the permissions menu near their name, read more in Managing Project Permissions.

  • You can change the default link sharing access setting in the Team Settings if you have a paid team.

If you added a member by mistake, you can remove them or downgrade them at any time. Learn more.